Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Nayu's Craft Time #142 Blissfully hot!

This looks just like where I live, even though it's not.
If you're in England, you may have noticed the weather is GORGEOUS!!!! I know a lot of people struggle in the heat, especially if you aren't in a naturally cool building/have fans/air conditioning, if you are sick, and for other reasons, but I love heat. 
Keep rising!!!

I'm usually under blankets (some heated), hot water bottles, and more layers of clothing than most in both winter and summer. The temperature getting above 25C helps me feel warm for once without all of those things. Thus it makes me happy! Long may it continue. 

Still a bit tired from my crafting day with a friend yesterday, but thought you'd like to see the blanket I've been working on. It's a simple 2 colour treble granny square crochet blanket which involves next to no thinking from me, a bonus these days. I may do a bit more tonight, although a mermaid bed has come up on a family's Animal Crossing New Leaf island, and since I'm a fangirl of said mermaid collection I want more than one, and I'm not sure how many medals I currently have. The plus side is that I usually get what my family has on their island a few days later, so can save up medals another day. 
Not my photo (I want a pink wetsuit!) but it is the mermaid bed that's adorable!!!

I'm not sure what I was doing tonight, as I watched anime this morning, have read a lot, and vaguely too tired for craft (gaming involves less hand movement than crochet, and I can do it almost on auto-pilot when uber tired), so maybe gaming is what I'm meant to be doing. Will be listening to audiobooks that's for sure! Almost finished this one,
Murder & secrets abound at this 1930s girls' boarding school (4th book in the series)
and definitely will be continuing with the 2nd in a brilliant Amish series
The Amish still eat a lot of pie in this relisten!
I'd love to hear what you're up to today, whether you have an audiobook on the go, are reading a good book, doing something crafty or gaming!

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