I know it's technically summer, but to me it feels more like Spring with the current temperature. Kind words are like Spring days - they make me feel warm and gooey! |
I've opted to call this something different to my Nayu's Crochet Time posts because although they can be about anything, I feel having a specific type of post for my current projects is a good idea. So welcome to the first of many Nayu's Project Progress posts! Must add a tab thing at the top of the blog for it.
This week has been a bit crazy, which seems to be the norm at the moment, but that didn't stop me from playing both with yarn and thread.
I just happened to take the photo on my smaller bed |
On the yarn side of things I did a bit more on my current commissioned piece - I don't have a latest photo, but a few more squares and I'll have the correct width for a 4 foot bed. It crochets up relatively fast and will have another update in a few days time.
I began a new blanket for a friend who needs a pick-me-up - I initially was going to make all the squares the same, with 1 white row for every 2 coloured rows, but an idea sparked for the 90% colour square and I like it enough to alternate the two.
Before I started the bookmark looked like this |
I've also done some sewing - excuse the quality of the second picture, I was in a rush when I took it and so far haven't had time to take another. This is a cute bookmark for me, made in counted cross stitch from the Emily Button range whch is super cute & girly. Using white thread on white background involves more concentration than coloured thread, but I'm getting closer to finishing this small project. Yay!
Here's the progress Imade with the white thread-I worked on the outline for both the trousers and the dress so that I can sew the rest without needing to look at the pattern. |