Thursday, 16 January 2025

New year, blog closed (for now)

Still busy working on my Beatrix Potter sampler

So 2025 is here...and I'm closing this blog. Most of my craft projects are very long at the moment, and if I do post updates its easier to upload to social media (Instagram and Blue Sky you can find me under Nayuleska for both). I may reopen it in the future, but it will be easier to focus just on my main blog. I will keep everything up, but no updates for many months. Thank you for sticking with me and might you see you here in the future.

Wednesday, 13 November 2024

Nayu's Project Progress #45 Hachette Partworks Beatrix Potter Sampler (Spring)


Been a few months since I've done one of these. I will get back to my Hachette Partworks Disney Crochet project, been working on others I can't show online yet (or for a long time). However, most Fridays see me working on my cute Beatrix Potter Spring sampler. There will be 4 in total, one for each season, all from Hachette Partworks. I don't like all the characters so some I will skip out, but you can see in the photo above what all four samplers will look like from the front of the folder cover (that's wear I put each issue's pages, there are other patterns plus information about the famous author and illustrator.

 I'm currently working on finishing Timmy Tiptoes a squirrel plus his friend. My favourite so far is the mouse, Hunca Munca, but I adore bunnies and squirrels too. Hopefully the next time I do one of these posts I will have started the next character!

Sunday, 12 May 2024

Nayu's Project Progress #44 Sunshine sock


Here in the UK we are currently having a little heatwave which is wonderful for me as I actually don't need my heated blanket during the day! It's nice not to be permanently cold. Making sure I have refreshing food and drink like chopped melon in pretty My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic cup to stay cool. Also got windows wide open to try and keep my beautiful guinea pigs from overheating. 

Craft wise not done loads recently but when I last had a day for craft I decided to get working on my sock knitting. 

Using 4 needles (3 to hold the stitches, one to knit with) isn't as complex as it looks, I promise. It's just like with 2 needles, only there are extras to go round on. 
You can see the final progress here, will be a slow burning project (which all mine are at the moment) but there is steady progress! Hope you all stay cool in the heat. 

Thursday, 28 December 2023

Nayu's Craft Time #237 A season of illness hopefully over

I've been quiet the last few months as I kept getting ill, more than usual. It was very annoying and I still have an ongoing situation I can't talk about that affects everything too. I haven't done much craft, I'm slowly doing a little more although on a few project I can't show in public for a long time, but I am doing some craft which helps distract me. I'm gaming a fair bit too! Needed to take life slower than normal but truly hoping I'm over the worst for now. 

I recently got a Hobby Craft kit for a guinea pig, which is super cute and very appropriate since I have two, Tulip and Snow. This one looks more like Tulilp, and with a plastic needle was definitely for a younger age group but was fun to make over a few hours. The stuffing puffed up so much from the vacuum packed bag. The felt was easy to work with and I'm hoping to maybe create one for Snow one day. The back was just plain orange (for some reason the photo file was huge, no idea why so not including it). The front orange stripes were meant to be black but that looked too much like their droppings (and therefore odd) so I switched it to orange and almost ran out of orange thread as a result but had just enough to finish up. It's so cute! Hope you've all had a healther autumn/winter season than me.

Saturday, 9 September 2023

Over on Nayu's Reading Corner #35 Review Fae Farm (Nintendo Switch, 6/10)

 Yes I'm making you go to my other blog to find out the link to my review of Fae Farm but it's just another click so it's not that much effort for you (^u^)

Friday, 8 September 2023

Nayu's Craft Time #236 Fresh naan & plushie laundry!

cooked vs raw

It's been a week and a bit of stuff going on, some I can't share but I'm about to share what I can. So I managed to make naan bread! I'd wanted to try it, and found a bread friendly recipe. Unfortunately mine ended up drier than it should be and overkneaded (4 times...) due to not realising it was meant to be a wet dough. I used some shredded coconut as a flavour, to make it a little like peshwari naan. I managed to get the shapes how I buy them in the supermarket which I was pleased about. 

 They took time to fry and I was exhausted by the end, took more than a day to recover but I feel they came out really well. I've frozen most of them (had a nice stack) so I won't have to do that for a long time. The taste is worth it but might try oven cooking next time, or bribe my family to use their air fryer. 


These caused a few tears

Next up in the baking department was the easiest dish. I got my family to chop a load of onions, I coated them in a tiny bit of olive and vegetable oil (price of pure olive oil is a little eye watering), popped them in the slow cooker and cooked on a mix of medium then high heat for around 11 hours. They t
20.urned out as wonderful caramalised onions that I'm slowly dividing and freezing in large and small chunks so I can throw them in curries and stirfries. 

So tasty!!!

The other productive activity was taking advantage of a final heatwave before autumn and washing my most used plushies! I try and do it once a year - apparently plushies can get mishapen and damaged in a wash but thankfully all mine remained in tact, fluffy and held their shape ok. It was quite amusing washing them, I just used the quick wash feature, I guess I could have used the handwash one too. It looked like a toy shop carousel by the time I'd done the 3 loads! 

Plushies and clothes ready to get wet!

I'm busy with a review game so not done much craft but the next post will be an update on my current projects, so stay tuned! 

Drying time!

Friday, 1 September 2023