Friday, 4 November 2022

Nayu's Project Progress #41 Attic 24 Cupcake Blanket Part 1


Happy Friday! Today is Friday, a day of the week I try to take off from gaming and focus on craft. I like a quieter day because in Islam Friday is the holiest day of the week, and I like to relax on it. I usually game every day, but Friday is the one day I choose not to game (unless there is a new release which I've realised there is today (Harvestella, a farming RPG) so I won't be doing as much craft but will still do a little ^u^)

Years and years ago I followed a crocheter called Attic24 - well her name is Lucy and her site is Attic24. At the time I did not really do much crochet, I just liked her style. She had one or two patterns for sale but was mostly a blogger. Fast forward a few years and a family member has recently learnt to crochet due to arthritis making knitting harder. They bought one of Attic 24's blanket kits which includes all the yarn plus the pattern for around £34 which seems a good bargain given how much yarn there is (around 15 balls I think). I had a look at the site and wow there are so many beautiful blankets! I was tempted to go for a granny square based blanket, maybe like the Aria blanket

but because I'm working on a Disney crochet square blanket (more on that in another post), I was feeling adventurous so decided to try a row blanket (with counting and turning rather than lots of little squares joined together. I went for the Cupcake blanket which uses these colours 

And looks like this

Original blanket colour scheme (photo from WW)

The kit arrived within 3 days - you can get them from Wool Warehouse. I chose to have the bag which is handy to keep them all in. (Not all the yarn is currently in the bag)

I rewind my yarn to make sure there are no knots in and I find a ball easier to use, there is no drag when pulling on the yarn which can happen if the yarn is used as initially provided. I was a bit concerned about what I had taken on, but I realised the pattern was on the Attic24 site so I looked at it and it's just treble crochet which is what I use in my granny squares. The first few rows I did a lot of counting to make sure I had the correct number, but now I can't be bothered to count. 

The 15 colours are repeated at least 6 times, and Lucy does list the order the colours should go which is sort of random within the colour repeats. I, however, like order, so I spent over an hour looking at the different colour ways (by moving the yarn balls into the order written) and picked the one I liked the most. I did change where the cream yarn went as I wanted the muted lilac to have a brighter colour by it, and I will just repeat the order 6 or so times. I like how mine is turning out so far! It's a super easy pattern that apart from the start and end of the row I can zone out. I like doing it in the evening before bed while listening to an audiobook. 

I already know which blanket I want to make next after this Cupcake one, I want to do Dune which has a beautiful seashell pattern. That won't be until sometime next year, but it's something to look forward to! The blanket is big enough to cover a single bed, which I have, so that's perfect for me. I will update you on progress in due course, although the quickest way to see any is to follow me on Twitter. 

Dune blanket

Sunday, 9 October 2022

Nayu's Craft Time #234 October 2022 Update


It's been how long????? (Madoka surprised in the anime Aikatsu!)

Massive apologies as I thought I had posted sooner than April this year. Life is happening, albeit it slowly. I mostly chat on my Twitter feed. I will be back here with craft posts hopefully soon. There's life stuff ongong that I can't talk about which does affect my daily life a lot. I hope one day I can talk about it, and it's why I'm sporadic with blog posts. While technically I am anonymous here I could say what's going on but I feel until the issue is resolved (no clue when that will be) I don't mention it online.

However, I do have some upcoming posts I hope to share soon. I have started a new weekly (if the next issues turn up soon) crochet project, it's a Disney Crochet magazine with weekly magazines providing yarn and pattern for squares in a crochet blanket. I also finished a cross stitch project of an old fashioned looking girl (think sepia tones) and started a cute hamster which reminds me of a guinea pigs.

My girls Tulip and Snow are doing wonderfully. We survived the heatwaves this summer much better than I expected. My flat stays relatively cool, I only used my fan twice to keep the temp down. I did wrap ice blocks in fleece and pop them in the cage but they mostly ignored them. Snow kept having haircuts since she is long-fur, she looked rather funny at times! My two zebra finch males, Tomoya and Hibiki are both doing great too.

I am gaming as much as ever, trying to read more, and relaxing as much as possible.

Unfortunately due to the Queen dying, my intended ketamine infusion on 19th September couldn't happen. My next one is in a few weeks, it is much needed now and dealing with extra pain is not fun but I'm managing.

Hopefully the next update will be really soon! Take care until then. 

Sunday, 3 April 2022

Ramadan 2022

 Ramadan Mubarak! Happy Ramadan to all those celebrating. The crescent moon was confirmed in Saudi Arabia on Friday so the first day of fasting in this holiest month of the Islamic calendar started yesterday. Due to health reasons I do not fast, I donate money instead. Ramadan celebrates the Quran being revealed to the Prophet Muhammed (peace and blessings be upon him).It is a time to focus on God, prayer, charity and spending lots of reflection time. 

I love Ramadan ever so much! Mine is a bit different as I'm the only Muslim in my family and don't really have many Muslim friends. It's my first Ramadan in my own flat which is super exciting. I have several Ramadan goals, which are personal, and do include reading the Quran, but one I can share is I want to hand sew a Ramadan banner as a decoration. 


I may not fast in terms of food and water, but I do change what I watch and read during Ramadan to be romance free and focusing on good qualities. I have started my annual rewatch of the anime Princess Sarah, I have the French version as it was what was available and yes I understand French really well. I prefer the anime version to the original book which was published early 1900s because Sarah is sweet and gentle, whereas in the book she is a bit selfish sometimes. The anime Sarah is treated like a princess at a boarding school as her father is rich, she never is bossy or overbearing. Things change when she learns her father is dead (her mother died when she was a baby) and that the diamond mine that he had had, had indeed never existed. 

The headmistress of the boarding school wants to put her on the streets (it is Victorian England) but she is persuaded to keep Sarah on as a servant. Sarah is treated poorly, but is already friendly with the other young maid, Becky, as well as other friends in and out of the school. Due to a chance happening slowly Sarah's life as a maid begins to improve, until eventually her wealth is restored because the diamond mind did really exist, and her benefactor never stopped searching for her but didn't realise she was living right next door to him. It is a beautiful tale, with the headmistress being the antagonist as well as a snooty boarder whose personality is ugly.  The series is 42 episodes long, and I'm at the part where her father is dead. 

 I would love to hear how you celebrate Ramadan if you participate in it.

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Nayu's Craft Time #323 Explained Absence


Mimi Citron from the French version of Strawberry Shortcake series

Hello! Part of my not new year resolutions is to blog a bit more. I realise we are halfway through February and this is the 2nd post of the year - sorry for that. Life was a little busy, but then recently I haven't been well. A mix of it being winter, and, sadly, me needing my next ketamine infusion. It was due on 7th February, then for reasons I do know but am not explaining here it got rescheduled to 11th March, and as of Friday pushed back to March 21st. The rescheduling is for an understandable reason, I am just thankful the clinic is fitting me in vaguely soon as if I'd waited for my usual consultant clinic I'd be waiting until at least May. 

I'm not looking forward to a whole month and bit before getting that important pain relief, as the wait after a few months makes matters worse and me feel rubbish. I can't do anything though, I have gone through a similar wait last year so I know can survive. Just might be quieter than planned. 

Not today, but soon I will post as I have some fun craft things I'm making and stuff will be happening in my garden too! I'm loving living in my own little flat ^u^ 

Sunday, 9 January 2022

Happy 2022!

Ichigo (left) and Akari from Aikatsu! in their new year kimono (Ichigo almost never has her hair up) Happy 2022!!


A new year, a new location! Well, sort of. Half of 2021 was on the awful side due to previously mentioned events that I will not elaborate on again. I thank God all that is in the past. Then in the later half I got to move to a beautiful new flat and that's where I'm starting my year! 

Tulip and Snow having floor time
Those of you who follow me on Twitter know that mid December I adopted 2 beautiful rescue guinea pigs, Tulip and Fluffy. Fluffy got renamed to Snowdrop, although her full name is barely used now and Snow suits her a lot. I love Tulips so Tulip remains Tulip. And extremely greedy! Tulip for sure is the most confident piggy of the two. They both eat a lot, Tulip could eat far more veggies at veggie time if I let her but I don't. She is so greedy that initially occasionally she would almost cough when eating. I thankfully found an article online that was the same issue with other piggies - they do scoff their food too fast. So now I make sure any veggies are in smaller pieces and hey presto, no coughing! Obviously if she does cough continuously I will take her to the vet but so far the smaller food works. I do regularly check for any lumps and bumps just in case its something a bit sinister, but so far so good.

I can trust Snow to take a whole bit of bell pepper or lettuce, run away with it as they tend to do even though they then both choose the same spot in the cage to eat it. Snow doesn't gobble her food! She is extremely nervous though. She has gained confidence in the cage, and happily takes food from me in the mornings when I hand feed. Laptime in the evenings when I give evening veggies is a different matter. Neither like being picked up - guinea pigs are herd animals after all, but Snow does not like being in the cuddle cup. I like hand feeding the veggies as it means I know they both get the correct amount and that Tulip won't steal it all, plus it will help with bonding. As they much away I gently stroke them. I think Snow tolerates this - if she were truly scared she wouldn't eat - initially it would take a few minutes on my lap before she would start eating, now she eats almost straight away. But when the veggies run out she likes to do her ostrich impression, burying her head in the cuddlecup and hiding from me. I stroke her for a little bit longer then put her back. She quickly goes to munching hay so is not traumatised from it. 


I think Snow's nervousness dates to why they ended up at the rescue. They are around 2 years old and were together, but whoever had them couldn't care for them: Snow is long-haired, and her hair/fur was double the length it should have been, horrendously matted and they both had mites plus their nails were never clipped. So when they entered the rescue Snow would have had a lot of work done to her by people. I think she associates being picked up with awful things. Now I do brush her regularly - I have to as part of her care. My family helped me cut her fur. While it's winter I'm happy for it to be long, but come summer to keep her cool and safe from summer hazards she will get a very short haircut! Until then I will cut a little here and there as I can. Nail clipping will happen by the end of the month, trying to build up more trust before I start and I will undoubtedly have to do a paw a day to reduce the stress for them. 

Tulip up to no good!

Today I'm setting up a run beside their cage - I will be making it bigger soon, I just got 1 packet of supplies in case the quality was poor. I think it's ok, It's a similar style grid cage system like the C&C cage I have for them which is the biggest that Kavee Cages provide (6x2) 6 grids long and 2 grids wide. I did let them run around most of the kitchen, but setting that up takes a lot of energy from me, so having a slightly smaller permanently in place run will mean they get time outside the cage so I can clean up the poop - they poop an insane amountn - and also air their beddiing to help the fleece liners last longer. I use pee pads on the most used areas to lengthen the main fleece liner's life even longer before it has to be washed. Not having to set up a run means they can be put out their cage no matter how rough I feel, and I know they will be safer: with the boxes method Tulip managed to escape 3 times! Where there's a hole she would find it and Snow would try to follow her. While funny after the event, at the time it was nerve wracking as I didn't want her to get near wires or pee on the carpet.

I don't make new year resolutions anymore. I am trying to read a bit more, and working on jigsaw puzzles too. I try to make Friday's my quiet craft days where I sew as I rewatch Little House On the Prairie dvds. Anyway, that's it for now, I will try to blog at least once a week here or/and on Nayu's Reading Corner where my book reviews go. Time to go make a guinea  pig run! 

Ichigo from Aikatsu! in casual gear